AKS Deployment Steps
1 min readJul 15, 2020
- Developer pushes the source code to Azure repository
- Azure pipeline triggers the build by cloning the latest application code from Azure repo
- Azure pipeline creates docker image with application code, tag the image, and push to Azure container registry
- Azure pipeline tag the application code that was containerized, and pushes the code to Azure repo
- Azure pipeline executes the kubectl commands to re/deploy pods
Redeployment process starts by pulling the latest image from the Azure container registry - Azure Kubernetes services deployment process:
ConfigMap to store non-sensitive environment variables
Secrets to store sensitive environment variables
Persistent volumes, Blob storage, etc
Azure key vault to store DevOps secrets, service accounts and manage TLS/SSL certificates
Azure Managed Services - Create objects (services, Ingress object, etc) to communicate with pods
- Provision a load balancer, forwarding rules, and assigning external public IP address (ingress controller)
- Customers access the application from the public